30 common error codes that may be encountered in CPAP machines
Here are 30 common
error codes that may be encountered in CPAP machines:
1. E-15: Power supply
failure or power interruption.
2. E-33: Excessive
heating of the device.
3. E-47: Faulty motor or
blower operation.
4. E-55: Sensor error,
usually related to pressure sensing.
5. E-57: Excessive blower
speed detected.
6. E-63: Faulty internal
memory or storage.
7. E-67: Internal
communication error between components.
8. E-73: Faulty water
level sensor in the humidifier chamber.
9. E-74: Water level in
the humidifier chamber is too high.
10. E-78: Faulty or
disconnected temperature sensor.
11. E-83: Faulty or
disconnected pressure sensor.
12. E-87: Faulty or
disconnected airflow sensor.
13. E-90: Internal
communication error between the machine and the humidifier.
14. E-94: Internal
communication error between the machine and the data card or modem.
15. E-97: Faulty or
disconnected oxygen sensor.
16. E-99: General error
code indicating a problem that needs further troubleshooting.
17. E-101: Faulty or
disconnected temperature sensor in the heated tubing.
18. E-102: Faulty or
disconnected pressure sensor in the heated tubing.
19. E-104: Faulty or
disconnected airflow sensor in the heated tubing.
20. E-106: Faulty or
disconnected oxygen sensor in the heated tubing.
21. E-109: Water level in
the heated tubing is too high.
22. E-112: Faulty or
disconnected heated tubing sensor.
23. E-114: Faulty or
disconnected humidity sensor.
24. E-118: Internal
communication error between the machine and the heated tubing.
25. E-120: Faulty or
disconnected oxygen sensor in the mask.
26. E-122: Faulty or
disconnected pressure sensor in the mask.
27. E-124: Faulty or
disconnected airflow sensor in the mask.
28. E-126: Faulty or
disconnected temperature sensor in the mask.
29. E-128: Internal
communication error between the machine and the mask.
30. E-130: Faulty or
disconnected mask sensor.
Please note that
specific error codes may vary depending on the CPAP machine manufacturer and
model. When encountering an error code, it is recommended to consult the user
manual or contact the manufacturer or healthcare provider for assistance in
diagnosing and resolving the issue.